Tuesday 31 January 2012

About him

Aku rasa happy...Just finish watching horror movie, Keramat. Seronok...sampai aku terlupa melayan my friend yang come visit me...
Hey..u know...he always here (pointing at my head) n here (placing my hand to my chest), in my heart... I told him, I want to change. I love his respond... He said he will support me whatever good deed i did. Alhamdulillah...Happy :)
Nak tahu, I last night i talked with my Granny about him, that he proposed me...but sadly, I got bad respond... My granny can't accept him. Sad...with some reason, she tak nak accept him as my husband.
If u duduk tempat I, then can u please tell me how you going to face this? I mengaku I very happy with him. I tak pernah terniat nak cari orang lain to replace him walaupun orang itu punya different yang jauh lebih baik untuk dia.. U know why? Because me n he dah buat banyak promise.
Me myself can't put him outside my body even for a while...
I can remember,
'Andai diberikan emas permata, ku pilih senyuman mu,'
'Andai aku punyai mahligai indah, kan ku hadiah kan untuk mu'

He nyanyikan for me...U know betapa besarnya my heart 8 that time?? He's everything for me...

Best regards,

Monday 30 January 2012

About My Blog

Created : 31.01.2012 1422
Designed on the same date.
Anything left?

Best regards,


Hi...I'm sorry for annoying you. But I hope not.
Blog ini hanya akan menceritakan tentang apa yang tersirat inside me.
Don't expect anything else. Sekadar apa yang aku rasa.
I have no diary, can't express on Facebook, not interested in Tweet2...
So, here u're not going to know who am I...

Best Regards,